Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you remember when?

I wish I lived in the 1940s.

Where you could walk down the street and wave at passerbys.
Where going to church every Sunday was normal.
Where going to see a movie, meant driving your car into a drive-in movie.
Where modesty was popular, and clothes weren't made for dolls.
Where anorexic models weren't pretty, and curves were "in."
Where dancing consisted of the "Jitter bug."
Where a date didn't consist of dinner and going home to "get lucky."
Where the only drama was your boyfriend getting recruited to war.

What happened to chivalry?
What happened to abstinence?
What happened to marrying for love, not money/sex?
What happened to divorce not being an option and couples turning to God for guidance(not Dr. Phil)?

You know what's sad?

I don't I have a clue if I will ever get married. The world is so corrupt I don't know if I can find a guy who loves God like me. I don't know if I will ever find a guy that believes in abstinence and respect for woman. I don't know if I will ever have kids. I can't stand the thought of bringing them into a world of such danger. Where they wouldn't be able to ride their bikes down the street. It seem so cruel.

The only thing that keeps my head up anymore is knowing that God will never forsake me. He will always be there. No matter how corrupt the world becomes, or how many friends become fake and untrustworthy, or how many storms satan throws at me. God will never forsake me. He will always hold me up when I can't bare to stand. He will see me though every storm and light the way in the dark. and He will always answer my prayers.

Some people ask me how I can believe in something I've never seen. I don't have to see to believe, I feel to believe. You have to experience it for yourself.

Faith goes a long way.
Caila Lanell

"Do you remember when,
I told you this that night,
That if you're by my side,
When everyday begins,
I'll fall for you again.
I made a promise when,
I told you this that night."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to discuss the religious aspect of it because I don't have all day, but I can say that curves are still in and you can still walk down the street and wave to passersby. Times might have changed, but most people still enjoy a friendly hello.

Also, abstinent =/= being respectful to women. I know plenty of abstinent people who aren't.