Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm tongue tied and terrified.

Wow! I just realized how far I have come in only like 3 months. It feels great! I used to be so scared of change, but now I realize how liberating it is. I'm so glad with where my life is right now. (except for the school work and college applications piling up of course).
I mean, I couldn't ask for more. Here's a recap of my weekend.

Marty, Samuel, Sarah, and me went to River City Market Place after school. Caitlyn ended up meeting us over there. We went to Five Guys to eat(great burgers btw). After that, we goofed off in Ashley's Furniture until Marty got us kicked out. LOL Then we went over to Old Navy and Marty got the great idea of picking out outfits for each other. So Sarah picked out an outfit for Samuel, and I picked out an outfit for Marty and they did the same thing. We did pretty good, we all wanted to buy the outfit we had. But we were short money. haha
We did ended up buying beanies. Which are quite awesome.
Then we went to Brad's house and played Rock Band, walked around Spring Lake Estates, and watched a horrible but funny movie. haha

Sarah and me did homework and chores all day and then Brad brought over the fourwheelers. Evan and Joey also showed up. We had LOTS of fun with a bonfire and stargazing at the river at night.

On the way to church, Sarah and me got the horrible news. Marty's dad passed away. It's a bittersweet goodbye. I didn't know him, but I did know he was in pain. When we showed up to Marty's house on Friday, hospice was wheeling him inside and he looked so weak. I just know he is in a better place now. God will make a way for them. So Sarah and me stopped by this evening to hang out with Marty and see how he was doing. He is doing quite well, but I think that's because it was something they prepared for. It wasn't as sudden; which of course doesn't make it any better but at least they said their goodbyes.

So now I am sitting here wondering about this week and how it's going to be. I hope it won't be that stressful. But you never know.

Senior night is Friday (along with our last high school football game ever). Then Saturday I will perform in my last high school band competition for the rest of my life. Man, it's flying by.

Well I'm off to bed. Good night!
<3Caila Williams

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