Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hold your breath.

So, here I am, taking a break from psychology work.

A lot has happened in the past week. Some good, Some bad.

We made excellent at competition. When I walked off the field from accepting "rewards,"(which sucked anyways because I had to stand at attention for like 20 minutes) I went straight to the bus. I knew that if I stopped to talk, I would have started sobbing. So I kept it on the bus. I kept it short and then when everybody got on, I had fun. And tried to forget about the horrific performance. "Maybe the girls will wake up" was what I was thinking...
Well they did. Yesterday's practice went wonderful. I hope every practice goes that great. They actually used their brain and put effort in. I was so proud of them :)
Winterguard is coming up, and surprisingly I'm excited. I just hope all our cool ideas can be put onto the floor. lol

I babysat Austin on Sunday and had so much fun! I love that kid! We did played in the dirt(lol), made ice cream playdoh and made crazy creatures with connectors. He's the perfect age..
Although I had to miss church:( which I was really sad about.

I was hoping Saturday all my friends could come over for a bonfire and a game of capture the flag, but Corey and Kara are working, and Samuel and Marty both have family coming over. So I'm not quite sure about it.. I hope it works out though, because I really need a hang out night.

I'm really confused as to what to do lately. I can't really go into details, I'm just stuck in a rut about some things. I'm not sure how to handle them.. Either way I go has their advantages and disadvantages.

We have the game off on Friday, so that's great!

I'm just trying to update everyone on what's happening in my life. lol and I think that's pretty much it.

<3Caila Lanell

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