Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I need your strength to feel this weak.

Well, this past week I've been super busy! From cleaning and organizing for the realtor to come put our house up for sale, to more organizing and cleaning that the realtor told us to do to show the house. I've had to pack up most of my closet, and I have to admit..packing STINKS!
Everything is looking good as far as the new house goes, we're just hoping to be moved in by August 7th in order to have Caitlyn's baby shower there. Their estimated closing day is July 20th, and then of course we have to put in cabinets, sinks, toilets, etc. We'll see!

On top of all this, I've had to start planning her baby shower. Which has been pretty crazy. I have to hand make 50+ invitations. They are gonna be super cute invitations but totally time consuming.

I've been trying to keep my head looking up and postive, Lord knows we need some of that around here. haha It's just hard sometimes when things try to frustrate me so badly. I just can't believe the audacity of some people. I try to keep myself in the reality in order to never be so naive. There are people who tell you what you want to hear or they tell whatever makes them look good. I just wish the people I care about wouldn't fall for those stupid lies. I always try to think about what my meme would do in those situations and how she would deal with it. It's so hard to deal with it the way she would. She always knew how to deal with any stressful or frustrating situation with such grace and calmness.

I was reading Lifestories again last night and I came across a couple excerpts that was like a brick wall in my face. I love when sometimes you get on your high horse, and you come across something or someone that brings you back down to your level. & the way Mark Hall put this, definitely did just that.

"As with Bethelehem, Jerusalem saw Him in Person, but He wasn't enough. They wanted more. They wanted signs, and He responded with plenty, though not enough to fancy their wandering hearts and itching ears. They had a picture of God they wanted, but the God they wanted was a political ruler."
"What's more, America has been blessed into agnosticism. I'm not blaming God; it's our fault. We Americans have taken God's immense blessings upon the most Christian nation the world has ever known and allowed these blessings to make us fat and happy. Oh, must we ever be happy!"
"...We let temporal concerns shape what we believe is most important in life, but our desire for happiness undergirds it all."

So true! It made me realize how much we, including myself, push aside God for happiness like He isn't enough. While all the while, He is PLENTY! He should be the one we're are striving for, and happiness will follow! Just think, knowing that you will be going to that blessed promise land, isn't that enough to make you over-joyed with happiness??
I've met SOOOO many people that question my priorites. I would give up anything if it means doing what is right in the Lord's eyes. That is what makes me happy. Are those good enough priorities for ya?! lol

Anyways! Just thought I'd share that tid bit of info with you, whoever you may be. Just something I found interesting and wanted to share. Off to bed, Good night!

Much love & sunshine,
Caila Lanell

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