Monday, December 29, 2008

You can sit beside me when the world comes down.

wow, there's so much on my mind. I don't know where to begin.

I haven't blogged lately because I've been busy and plus I haven't been in the mood.

Well, i'm about to send off my FSU application. and I've gotten into Stetson (YAY!) lol
but if I get into FSU, i'm going to be in a tough situation.

Unless FSU offers me a scholarship, it would be cheaper to go to Stetson.
Stetson is giving me a scholarship of 12,000 a year (48,000 for all 4). That means with Bright Futures, the scholarship, and Prepaid College Plan from my Grandma, I won't have to pay one cent. Actually I wouldn't even need to use the prepaid college plan. Which is amazing. That covers dorm, books, supplies, everything!
That means I'm getting a $42,000 education for $0.

Plus, Stetson is closer to home, and doesn't have a marching band. Which means I would have time to come home on the weekends.
BUT, I always wanted to do the Marching Chiefs. Without a football team, it would be a little boring. I want to perform for the games and be there every weekend cheering them on. It would be like a dream come true. I know Tallahassee is where my heart is. but I'm not sure if it's where my head is.

Now, I just have to wait to hear back from FSU. and then see how deep of a decision I'm in.

Christmas was great this year. On Christmas Eve I actually got to see Meme and my Uncle Danny. It's been a while since I've spent a holiday with them. It was nice.
Christmas day was fun, like always, and I pigged out. my grandma came in town and we opened a bunch of presents. Our family gft was a Wii. yay! I've been playing ALOT since we got it. lol
and then I got one of the nanochromatic ipods. i love it, it's so much fun to play with. lol
and of course a bunch of clothes. and then mom promised that some of out Christmas was going to be to go to South Carolina to shop at the outlet malls. I can't wait =)

but other than that, life's been pretty good.
I finished my Economics class, and I'm almost done with American Government.
The Humanities I failed because I didn't present, she is letting me present in one of her spring classes. Mr. Chamberlain screwed up my Dual Enrollment, so now I have Anatomy & Physiology on the day I have winterguard practice. So now I have to get that straightened out. Which shouldn't be too hard. Mom knows the woman of the class I want to be in.

I can't believe my senior year is halfway over. It seems crazy. I'm excited and scared, but I also can't wait to get out.

<3Caila Lanell

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