Monday, November 24, 2008

We hoped for the best, and let go of the rest.

Wow, I had a jam packed weekend! and now i'm really exhausted. thank goodness we only have two days until we get out for Thanksgiving break.

Friday I slept in and did chores all day. I thought I would have time to do online classes, but definitely didn't. That night everyone came over, but it wasn't the same. Right before everyone got there, my mom and me got a call from my Meme. My uncle danny was put in the hospital from overdosing on painkillers. It was really upsetting, because he was in bad condition. They lifeflighted him to St. Vincent's from Alma, Ga. On the flight, he went into cardiac arrest twice.
It was really upsetting because they didn't expect him to survive through the night and I was at home rather than being at the hospital like I wanted to be. But somehow, my friends always seem to cheer me up. :)

Actually, that night Dempsey got her Mustang stuck on our dirt road. She barely missed a tree. It was quite funny, the guys stayed out there for an hour and a half, in the freezing cold digging out her car. what great friends. lol

Then, on Saturday Sarah went with me to the hospital to visit him. I really enjoyed it. He truly was a miracle that he was alive. They took all his tubes out and he is really doing great. I got to see Meme, Aunt Jhing, Uncle Glenn, and Christy. It's nice to see them every now and then.
Then Sarah, Caitlyn, me, Evan, and Brad went to the movies and saw James Bond. It was okay, but it wasn't amazing.
Which btw, Twilight was so much fun. Tessa, Sarah, Caitlyn, and me all had so much fun. The movie was okay, but it was a little dissapointing compared to the book, but what do you expect? I don't think it's a good movie for people who have never read the book because it's a movie you would probably be confused in but who knows. Overall it was pretty good. I just wish Jasper and Alice had more of a part. Jasper is my favorite:)
It didn't go along with the book, it kept jumping around. ugh.

Sarah ended up staying with me the whole weekend. haha!

Well, I think that's enough for one post. lol
Life is pretty good.

:) Caila Lanell

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