Sunday, January 25, 2009

please don't get me wrong; but i can't find the words to tell you.

As I sit here, thinking about what to write for this blog, I'm at a loss of words. Literally.
There is so much going on, to even think about it, makes me want to cry.

Last week, we got a really scary call that Meme was being rushed to the hospital. We found out that she had stroke. Well actually a bunch of little strokes. A blood clot from her leg, broke apart and traveled to her brain. We didn't know what the outcome was going to be like. The first two days was heartbreaking. She couldn't put sentences together and when she did, she made no sense. She was released after 3 nights in the hospital and she finally can talk normally, but sometimes still can't say what she wants to. We are just thankful to have her still with us. I don't know what would have happened if she didn't make it :(

So, Uncle Danny has been staying with us since last week, and Meme stayed last night and probably will be here until next week. She has a bunch of doctor appointments that Mom needs to take her to. Which I don't mind, I love spending time with them.

All in all, a bunch of stuff has been let out resulting from it. My family is so screwed up and they are so blind to it. The grandchildren (aka, me and all my cousins) can see clearly, but it's like all the adults are being immature. You can't ignore a problem, it will only get worse. I wish we could go back to old times, where we would be able to spend a whole day with no worries. Just enjoying family time.
You would think that when it comes to someone's health, that they are priority. But we still have two-faced and selfish people who can't get over stuff. It's not about us when times like this happen. It's about them. You have to remember the right thing to do, even if it sounds absurd and maybe not everyone will approve.
I would rather be standing alone for something that is right, than together for something that is wrong.

It's gotten to where I want to let them know how i feel. How they have ruined my childhood, and my family. If you mess with my mom, dad, or sister, I don't care who is right, you better believe I'm not innocent, nice Caila anymore. I stand up for myself and the people I care about and I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You would be surprised by how much more you know than when you were 10.
My family means more to me than ANYONE on this entire planet. Keep that in mind.

I guess this has turned into a rant. Of course, the person I wish would read it, never will.

In other news, school has only gotten worse. I am actually taking a break from it right now.
You know what I hate? Having a secret. I want to so badly talk to someone about it, but i can't. It's the most annoying, worse feeling ever. It's like everytime I get the courage to say something to someone, I realize the consequences and how stupid it would be. ugh.

<3Caila Williams

"It's not about us; it's about Him."

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