Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's only life.

I have a headache and feel like crawling in bed.. but I'm going to write a blog.

Some people are really irritating me. I'm not going to name names, but honestly. do you not think??! I'm trying to move on from my past, stop bringing it back to me! It's hard to go through everyday and not think of things that you no longer have. Change is hard. But when people rub it in or keep bringing it into my mind, I lose it. I'm happy with where I am, but I don't like to sit here and talk about things CONSTANTLY that I just want to forget about.
Most people are like what the heck is she talking about. But if you are close enough to me, you know what I'm talking about...

I've noticed I have a lot of anger towards certain things. I've been praying for God to help me with it, and I've noticed that it's gotten better. But I've decided to channel my anger in a song. I thought about it and it is better than channeling it in other ways. I probably won't post it, not to mention let anyone read it. But it's therapy for me. Many people tell me "wow, caila I never see you mad." I actually take it as a compliment. lol I'd rather everyone not see my anger. haha

School is going well. I finally got in touch with my Economics teacher and I'm almost ready to do the final exam *happy dance*. Now I need to finish American Government.
I had my senior status report. and I'm a little nervous. I have to bring my ACT score up 2 points to get 100% Bright Futures. ugh.
Not to mention, I've only outlined my essay for FSU.
I also have a HUGE research paper due in a matter of weeks in Humanities; along with a 30 minute presentation. crazy, I know.

Marching season is almost over. Which is good and bad. We are cramming the show in, for competition next weekend. Which is really stressful. But Caitlyn, Tessa, and me already were brainstorming for winterguard and I'm excited. I just haven't enjoyed marching season like I have before, and I want it to be over.

Well, I think that's all. Home game this Friday(WooHoo!)

Good night,
<3Caila Lanell

"Take your hesitance
And your self-defense
Leave them behind, it's only life
Don't be so afraid
Of facing everyday
Just take your time, it's only life
I'll be your stepping-stone
No, don't be so alone
Just hold on tight, it's only life"

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