Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time of my life.

Wow! What a weekend! :)

Friday night after the game I spent the night at Sam's house and all the girls had fun jumping on the trampoline at 1 in the morning and eating junk food.

Then my family and me went to the FSU vs Colorado game and it was a GREAT game! I got to see the Marching Chiefs march in(I was one foot away!!) and was saw their show this year. It was so inspiring, but it makes it so much harder to go to school everyday when all I want to do is graduate and go to college. The guard has really improved from the past couple of years and that really makes me happy. Although they aren't what they once were.. Hopefully, they will get better and better each year.
I got a great picture of the percussion(they aren't lacking this year *wink, wink*). lol
The game started off with a bang, Florida State scored in the first two minutes of the game and the first quarter ended with a tye. The second quarter, nothing happened, and i found myself falling to sleep from the night before. lol There was a Buffalos fan right behind us(in a sea of FSU fans) and they about got into a fight with some other FSU fans. It was kinda funny.
The third and fourth quarter was jammed pack with excitement and it flew by! We ended with a win, 39 to 21. The stands cleared out and a few people (including myself) stuck around to hear the band sing "Hymn to the Garnet and to the Gold."
It was amazing! and then of course the band marched out chanting (me along with them LOL).
We went to Olive Garden afterwards and we saw a bunch of fans from the game.
I can't wait to get to Florida State. I could care less if the football team wins every game or not. I fell in love with the school in 7th grade and ever since then I wanted to be apart of the Marching Chiefs. It's only less than 1 year away! :D

I really wish I would have gotten to go to church today, but I have a TON of homework and I passed out right when I got home last night.

The West Nassau game Friday night sucked. I have no more faith in our team. lol
I thought that maybe they have gotten better since last year... nope! They had it in their hands and they let Yulee slip through!! It was ridiculous!
We all saw Jessica and mrs. denise, which was really great. She has really built that guard team up at Yulee. Especially considering she has ALL new girls(13 to be exact). We have 13 also but we have some older girls to help out a bit. I'm really proud of our guard girls, they did really good that night. and it seems like everytime they perform, they get better and better.
Although we still have ALOT to do and ALOT to clean up.

well I'm off to get some work done in American Government. I just finished a week's worth of work in Economics.


"You got to fight fight fight for FSU!
You got to scalp 'em Seminoles!
You got to win win win win this game,
and roll on down to make those goals.
For FSU is on the warpath now,
and at the battle's end she's great.
So fight fight fight for victory.
The Seminoles of Florida State!"

Here are some photos from the game:

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